Note : Info Given Below is from just one section of this book
22 Websites That Will Pay You – to Write for Them
You can submit articles on almost any topic to They pay up to $200 per post and will allow you to mention your website in the bio section.
International Living
will pay you up to $400 per article – if you can contribute articles on living/saving when retiring in a country other than the US.
Greater Good
Will pay up to $350 per article. They prefer science articles narrated in a story telling manner.
Be a Freelance Blogger
Hold contests six times a year, for one guest blogger to win $100.
Strong Whispers This is a multi-topic site where they pay $50 a post.
Pxleyes is a popular design blog that pays up to $200 for articles accepted
Write Your Revolution
They accept guest posts from bloggers and freelance writers and could pay $50 per guest post when your article is published. The preferred length for content submission is 600 – 2,000 words. You will be allowed to link to your website in the guest post bio. You can find out more about the guest posting process here :
Transition Abroad (Travel)
It’s a top travel website that’ll pay from $50 – $150 for your travel articles.
Literary Traveler
You’ll be paid $50 per post to contribute your travel articles to Literary Traveler.
A List Apart
You’ll be paid $100 per post to contribute typically 1,500 – 2,000 words published articles. You’ll also be allowed to add a link to your website in your post bio.
Global Comment
You will be paid to contribute articles on any subject to Global Comment.
Listverse publishes list-style articles with at least ten list items (of around 1500 words total). You can submit ‘top ten’ lists on any subject They pay $100 per list.
Funny Times
You can submit articles about any topic as long as it pokes fun at any major subject. It could be on politics, business, religion or anything, as long as it’s humor.
Writers Weekly
Topics of interest include corporate writing, unique book marketing, and writing for specific genres. Feature article (600 words, $60) or Freelance Success Story (400 words, $40).
Craft Your Content
Write a guest post for CYC that “help our clients become excellent writers, and help them do so while retaining their unique voice and vision. Rate equals $50 – $150 per article
Freedom with Writing – Write an article that helps writers get paid for their writing
List articles (featuring 7-50 publishers that pay writers), how-to articles/essays/case studies (with real world examples and amounts earned), or e-books (10,000 words)
$30 – $100 for list articles;
$30 – $150 for how-to articles/essays/case studies;
$500+ for e-books
Make A Living Writing – Write a blog post that will help writers find better-paying gigs. Topics of interest include market reports, editor Q&As, productivity and writing craft. Approx. 500 words $75 – $150 per post Submit a pitch
WOW! Women On Writing
Women writers can submit guest posts of “how-to” on a variety of writing and publishing topics.
Approx. 1000 – 3000 words – Approx. $50 – $75 per post
The Barefoot Writer
Write a post for Barefoot Writer Magazine, “committed to helping you learn to make money, work from home, and land freelance writing jobs to achieve your dream writer’s life.” Article categories include Monthly Motivator, Cool Tools and Become a Better Writer
Articles range from 400 – 900 words – $100 – $300 per post
Write Naked – Write a guest blog post for Write Naked, “a writing life cut open”.
Sections accepting posts include Interviews, Publishing Trends and Behind the Pen
450 – 650 words – $50 – $200 per post
Funds for Writers
Write a guest post about earning a living as a writer
500 – 600 words – $50 for original unpublished articles;
$15 for reprints.
Constant Content
Register as freelance writer and make money. It is one of the largest and most established platforms for facilitating connections between big brands and freelance writers online
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